Government and politics

Key Feminist Thinkers Profiles
Detailed workbook for a level politics students on key feminist thinkers including- Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Simone De Beauvior, Kate Millet, Shellia Rowbotham and Bell Hooks. Detailed simplistic bullet points, easy to understand synoptics of beliefs and achievements and key quotations.

12 marker essays on conflict and war global politics two examples
Two Example high level essay for the questions of - Analyse how realists and liberals explain the likelihood of war and conflict- 12 marks and How realists and liberals explain the likelihood of war and conflict- 12 marks

Realism and Liberalism 12 marker essay example and plan
12 marker Global A-level politics example essay full mark essay and a detailed plan on the question- Analyse how Realists and Liberalists view the likelihood of war.